You have no idea who this God fellow is. You never grew up talking to Him, and were never bothered with the idea of a “higher power.” To you, Jesus is just a fictional character. He is some guy who may or may have not been here.
You may even believe He’s been made up just to create the idea of morality. You may have been hurt and shamed. But I want you to know, You are a beautiful woman, clothed in grace, and destined to be great. You probably don’t see any of this. So, before I tell you about God, let me tell you about Her.

I am a woman with a crazy past. I have allowed men to touch me, to hurt me, and to sell me. My body is being used to glorify men and lust. I am now numb to all the sexual acts done to me. I am but property to the one who sells me.
I save my wages, I have no real future of where it might take me or where I might go, but something tells me to keep saving it.
I use my money for incense, oils, and perfumes. They make me feel better about myself. When I smell them, it helps me forget my slavery, my bondage, my entrapment. I feel free an get lost within the scented fragrance that is freedom. I hide it all away in my alabaster box.

I am a woman –feeling sick of myself, feeling pain all over my body. I am a woman by design, but I don’t feel like a woman on the inside because my body forsakes me.
I continue to bleed day and night. I lose hope that I will ever overcome this. No doctor or physician can heal me. I am discouraged. I find no way to live life. I’m viewed as unclean and don’t know how to stop the pain I feel inside.
For twelve years, more than a decade, I’ve been a prisoner –trapped within my own body. This isn’t normal for a woman. Nightly, I cry myself to sleep because of the mere idea of never being free from the horror of my blood issues.

I am a woman who is different from the rest. I come from a different lineage than most. My ethnicity makes me stand apart. I may be considered unique, but I feel like an impostor playing a role I am not fit for.
I have married into royalty, and my life seems grand to those on the outside looking in. However, things did not come easy, but I’m sure to live a better life now. The problem is that I’m not sure I deserve it.
Because I now live in a palace, I have to hide –not only my true self but my faith, as well. I often wonder if I am turning my back on my ancestry by completely submitting to my husband who is king.
I have people back home who are depending on me in order for me to use my position to make a change. They don’t know that I’m just a woman, who is too afraid to take on all this responsibility I’ve been given.
I feel so torn between my beliefs and what I’m allowed to do as Queen. What they are asking me to do could get me killed. Where do I find freedom from the affliction of my thoughts? What power do I truly hold?

Photo by Alex Sorto on Unsplash
It’s not easy being HER. It’s not easy to be going through what you are going through, never believing there is hope in the life you are living. You have no anticipation of a good outcome. What kind of God would allow anything bad to happen to His own creations? Why did these things happen to HER?
I’m sorry that the invasiveness of this world hurts you. Every choice it makes affects you. The unpredictability frustrates you. This all makes the idea of God sound like a fairy tale.
But, He wants you to realize that you are HER -a woman beyond your situation, beyond your pain, beyond your shame, despite your unfamiliarity to Jesus. He just wants you to be free and know you were born for such a time as this.
This God won’t leave you. He wants to lead you out of your situation and birth a new creature from this.
Remember The enemy wants to destroy you along with the idea that God exists. This can ensure you remain in the torment of the very thing you need freedom and peace from.

Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash
The woman with the alabaster box finally found acknowledgment as a precious, valuable woman, rather than just an object. Jesus saw her willingness to be freed from her present lifestyle and, thus granted her the peace she had been seeking. The burden overtook her until He spoke these simple words, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace."
The woman with the blood issue had exhausted all measures, until one day, in a crowd of people with vigor and intent she pushed past everyone just to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. She believed she had nothing else to lose. After doing so, Jesus said to her, “Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.”
The woman in royalty, known as Esther, is in an uncomfortable spot of trying to save her people or comply with the rules of her king and not speak up on the matter.
Her uncle tells her these powerful words, "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?" This gave her an awakening for purpose.
I used biblical figures to show that you are just like her. You have moments of fear, shame, hurt, defeat, faithlessness, and sickness. but rose above it all. Therefore, you are
Heavenly Exalted to Rise.
You are every woman that felt their lowest, with a defeatist attitude. But rose up to go in peace.
God sees a gem when you see a stone. He sees a warrior when you see a civilian, beauty when you see disgrace, hope when you see hopelessness, a daughter and not just a server. And He sees your heart when all you see is just your face.
The beauty you possess is so far deep within you that it takes special type of eyes to see it in your genetic makeup. It takes eyes from as high as heaven to see you from your root.
You are HER.
Heavenly Exalted to Rise, now go in peace.