So, what do you do when you have all the pieces related to your vision, and you can’t seem to understand how they go together?
The thing about vision that can be tough is that, though you see it, it doesn’t necessarily mean you understand it. We can easily see ourselves doing something, but can then harness it improperly into the wrong thing. We can receive a vision from God and easily misinterpret what we see as the complete truth. Take Raven for example, from the hit show That’s so Raven. Her character was known for being a teenage psychic and what seem to happen very often was her misinterpretation of her premonitions. She always misled by her premonitions. Her assumptions almost always turned out to not be true. Knowing what is to come is important to many. Such as, when kings needed their dreams interpreted, the king surrounded himself with wise men and magicians because it was important to understand what was being foretold and how to properly adhere to it. So, what do you do when you have all the pieces related to your vision, and you can’t seem to understand how they go together?
For some of us God has given us different puzzle sets, and for others they can clearly see the pieces they have link together. Whereas, most can’t seem to figure out how what they are doing link to the overall picture.
Vision is the ability to see beyond your natural eyes with your spiritual eyes. The issue that lies with this definition is that you may be someone that has not yet seen their vision. So, now you are left to play a hard game of piecing a puzzle together. Most puzzle game sets come in different sizes and with reason. Because, I wouldn’t give my four-year-old a hundred-piece puzzle game set due to their immaturity, and their inability to properly see and cognitively understand the shapes, and colors to match together. However, I would give them a five-piece game set because the pieces are made legible enough to understand which goes where. With only five pieces to put together the picture basically paints itself. For some of us God has given us different puzzle sets, and for other they can clearly see the pieces they have link together. Whereas, most can’t seem to figure out how what they are doing link to the overall picture.

God add a time period to test our desires.
Another factor that comes into play is time. Time is a major component to vision.Time is the currency of life and without it things go undone. Major characters in the bible were all pigeonholed by time. Visions and promises in the bible all equated to time. The difficulty with this is that sometimes we believe things may have shifted in the plan due to the longevity of the wait. Some visions seem impossible cause the wait is to long. You begin to forget what the picture looks like, you second guess what you really seen, you talk yourself out of wanting what you then believe was the vision. But remember, time test all things. I believe God add a time period to test our desires. You know if someone still wants something, if overtime they still speak on it.
God wants to see a fight in us to go after what we say we want
So, what do we do? When we feel like God gave us too many pieces and you don’t know how things fit? Or when we feel pressure to do, but we feel what we are doing is away from the vision? Or when may feel you have misinterpreted the vision and now feel lost as to what God has called us to do? You should fight. I believe God wants to see a fight in us to go after what we say we want. Being Passive doesn’t automatically make you much more pleasing to God, but rather, God wants growth. The process grows us in order to hold on to the vision.
Will you let go?
God may be calling us to be intentional so much, so that He wants us to show Him our fight to solve this endless puzzle and link the pieces together. When Jacob came to wits’ end with all that he was facing, he came face to face with a man(angel) and wrestled him all night. The Bible doesn’t tell you how the man appeared and what He may have said. But it was enough to have Jacob wrestle all night for what he wanted. That night Jacob was determined to get something out of this wrestling match. He stated, “I won’t let go until you bless me”. We must hold unto the hope of our vision and not let go until it happens or makes sense. Your situation may be wrestling you now, but will you let go?