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5 Things we can Learn about God during this Pandemic

Updated: May 22, 2020

This pandemic has been one for the books. Things shifted quickly and our everyday routines have now changed to new ways for work, entertainment, and communication. I never thought in a million years that something like this could ever have a good majority of the world to come to a halt.

Though this is happening, I believe God is teaching, and helping bring awareness of who He is even in times of change and crisis. Therefore, here are a few points I believe you can learn about God during this pandemic.

1. God is in control

No matter how bleak things seemed during this pandemic, God continued being in control. Though things may seem out of control, God continues to have things in His hand still working in His plan. Nothing that has happened, has taken God by surprise because “When He speaks, He speaks from the future” (Isaiah 46:9-10)

There is no one like God or any God over Him. We may think we have an idea of what he is doing however, our ways are not His ways our thoughts are not His thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9) no matter what we think we know, God is still in control.

2. God can not be predicted

While sitting at Mount Olive Jesus’s disciples wanted to know the signs of Jesus’s coming and the end of the age. While explaining this to them He stated, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matthew 24:36) It's unbelievable that God is the only one with this information, but that is what makes Him God.

God can not be predicted. It would be wasted time to try to assume what we believe God is doing. For this reason, we should be connected to God to know what we should be doing to be in alignment with His will for our lives.

3. God’s normalcy is our uncertainty

God has systems in place, and part of those systems is that he doesn’t do things the same way. But along with this, God is the same forever. I believe this is His normal. (Hebrews 13:8)

During this pandemic, I realized that trusting in God also meant having faith in what seemed uncertain to me, while being certain in God’s normal. God shifted our idea of normalcy during this time. We had to learn to adapt as basic humans to these changes. This way we had to be forthcoming about what we couldn’t be sure about, but trust God’s outcome.

4. God is a refiner

A refiner is a person that removes impurities, or other unwanted matter from something. We may not have realized it, but this pandemic has also had positive outcomes. When refining something you’re doing so to reveal the best out of it.

During this pandemic, people have come to value relationships and hygiene. Also, there has been a positive change in our environmental status. God is the ultimate refiner. What may seem as trying times for some, God could be refining our situations to bring out the best from it.

5. God is good

This pandemic has not been easy for everyone, and some have seen the worst of it, But no matter what, God is still good. That means there is no change necessary to who He is. God is to be reverenced, in a time like this, we should realize that change can happen instantly. Therefore, We should always look to the Lord for help. (Psalm 121) Trust in God's goodness, and don’t wait until the crisis to do so.

Psalm 100:5

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;

his faithfulness continues through all generations.


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