I have always admired my sister’s ability to do things fearlessly. To me, she seemed to have so much confidence. Growing up, we were all pretty much sheltered and travel wasn’t an idea that was reinforced. Our parent’s major accomplishment for us was to finish school, while staying out of trouble. Therefore, whenever I would see my sister jump at the chance to travel, I was always stunned at her willingness to go. She opened the door for the rest of us, as she became my family’s very own great traveler. Her experiences created a canvas for me to want to see the world and all it offered.
Traveling may not be everyone’s desire, but that doesn’t negate its necessity or the value it can add to the human experience. People travel for different reasons. Some may not think they are cut out for it. Others believe they don’t have enough money to budget for it. Despite our excuses, we remember one hundred percent of the things we did do, rather than any of the reasons we didn’t. Recently, I took a trip to Havana, Cuba, which sparked my interest in traveling more often. That trip encouraged me to tell you there are many reasons to travel and listed below are just a few.

Adventure and Getting Away
Every day, we wake up and our life is on repeat -for most people, it’s even on autopilot. Whether you are a shark in corporate America, or a stay-at-home mother of two, you may find yourself doing things the same way for a while, with little to no break to recuperate. Adventure is not just an exciting experience, it’s also a moment away from reality. We can all benefit from having a moment to press pause, and to create lasting experiences that will allow us to get away from the mundane. Doing so would allow you to create adventure that can add thrill to your life.

We all may be stuck answering the philosophical question, “What is the meaning of life?” But even bigger than that, “What is the meaning of me?” God has purposed us all for something here in life and it’s up to us to stay connected to the creator for Him to reveal it to us, bit by bit. Traveling may help you rediscover who you are. It would allow you to see more of the world that was made by the hands of the creator. Discovering what may be hidden in your world may help you rediscover what’s hidden in you. This can show who you are and strengthen both the person you are and the purpose you have.

Cultural Awareness
Being in another country allows you to see differences between various cultures in society. Putting yourself in not only new environments, but also in different ones can help make your world smaller. Living in a western world has given us certain privileges that most countries do not have, such as safety, food, and proper living conditions. There are some places that don’t have access to any of those, due to their governmental system. Getting out of your comfort zone may help bring awareness and gratitude when it comes to what you have.

Traveling gives a sense of accomplishment. Being able to escape for a while can bring a sense of happiness. When you speak to people about their vacation, rarely do you see a sense of dissatisfaction on their faces or their speech. This newfound happiness can help shape and reshape your reality and way of thinking. You can see things from new perspectives and grow from them, joyously.

Trying New Things
May it be hiking up the highest mountain or trying the city’s famous dishes, it is almost impossible to travel without trying something new. When I traveled to Cuba, I did quite a bit of walking and couldn’t wait to try their authentic cuisines. Traveling exposes you to different ingredients and tastes that may leave a lasting impression.

Make Lasting Memories
We all need a break, so why not fill in that time with new memories. I love memorabilia because when I look back at the photos or souvenirs, I remember exactly what I felt in that moment. When I travel and have a physical item from the place I visited, I can relive the moment over and over again. Whether good or bad, those items and experiences all add to your memory bank.
Travel can be designed your way to meet your current situation. You can start small and go up from there. No matter where you decide to land, be prepared to feel the positive results of your decision.
Beautiful article. Good points.